
Okay, this episode was way better than the last. The challenge was easy to godplay in, and very few people did. The pairs were: Scarlett and Zoey, Jo and Duncan, Beardo and Harold, Amy and Lindsay, Leshawna and Anne Maria, and Scott and Dave. Each pair had good interactions. Dave started talking back to Scott, Scott resumed his evil ways, Jo used Duncan as a decoy to beat up Chef, and Amy and Lindsay were incompatible. Team Jo won again. And Leshawna and Anne Maria blamed each other for the loss, now the bottom 2 is obvious. It was right, a 3-1 vote looked like Anne was going, but Leshawna got 2 more votes, Tying it. Then again the tie breaker was another tie, then the third  time Leshawna got voted off 3-1. 

Overall Score for Team Jo: 7/10 

Overall Score for Team Scott: 9/10

MVP of the Episode: Scott

Honorable Mentions for MVP: Duncan, Jo, Anne Maria, Scarlett, Dave

Episode Rating: 8.7/10
